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  • Turn Your Rainy Days From Dreary to Dreamy with the East Fam's Rainy Day Guide✨

Turn Your Rainy Days From Dreary to Dreamy with the East Fam's Rainy Day Guide✨

Plus, Shawn's favorite rainy day kids toys!

April Showers Bring May Flowers 💐…

But how do you entertain your kids when it’s June and STILL raining?!

Don’t get us wrong, we all love a relaxing rainy day, but if you have little ones at home you know that being stuck inside all day can make the minutes pass as slow as the spring slugs! 🐌

Instead of dreading those slow spring showers, let’s make them fun! Use our rainy day guide below to turn your indoor rainy days from dreary to dreamy! ✨

East Family Rainy Day Favorites ☔️

Shawn and Andrew’s two oldest kids playing in a puddle together

Click the graphics below for links to the Easts’s favorite rainy day items

Want More Rainy Day Inspiration? ☔️

Look no further! We’re here to help you pass the time until the sun peaks through the clouds ⛅️

  1. Check out your local library

  2. Head to the bowling alley

  3. Make an indoor scavenger hunt

  4. Explore a local science center or art museum

  5. Start a new book

  6. Have a pizza party

  7. Build a fort

  8. Blow up balloons for a fun balloon game

  9. Do a family workout

  10. Have a cozy movie day

For Those Who Need a Rainy Day Boost ⚡️

Check out Shawn and Andrew’s favorite clean protein drink, Slate! 

 With 20g of protein, only 1g of sugar and 110 or less calories per can, Slate is a clean protein shake that uses all natural ingredients and nothing artificial! The Latte flavors also contain 175 mg of caffeine for those who could use a pick-me-up! A great way to get your protein & caffeine all in one tasty drink 😍

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