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  • Are You & Your Spouse In the "Roommate Phase" 😬

Are You & Your Spouse In the "Roommate Phase" 😬

Plus, Shawn and Andrew open up about marriage counseling and we're announcing speakers for our LIVE Event!

Do you and Your Spouse Feel Like Roommates After Having Kids? 😬

We get it, and it seems like nobody else is talking about it 🤷‍♀️

After having a baby, it can be difficult to keep the passion alive in your marriage while simultaneously balancing all the tasks of being a parent.

FamilyMade is here to open the conversation and provide some helpful insights below ❤️

“We always tell ourselves it takes about four months to feel more like ourselves after having a newborn. We just hit four months with Bear, and it does get easier with each baby, but it still rocks the family and your marriage when you add a new kid into the mix. Give yourself grace, prioritize each other even when you may not feel like it, and know this is just a season that will one day be behind you. It’s not easy but it’s so worth it.”

-Shawn Johnson East

Shawn and Andrew Open Up In a Recent Podcast Episode 🎥

In a recent episode of Couple Things, Shawn and Andrew share how adding a third baby to their family changed their marriage and answer some of your questions about being a new family of five.

Check out more episodes of the Couple Things Podcast HERE

We’re Locking in an AMAZING Speakers for our LIVE Event! 🤩

Amazing as in the world-renowned and viral psychiatrist who changes peoples’ brains and lives, Dr. Amen!

Dr. Amen just launched his new book “Raising Mentally Strong Kids”, which is already hitting the New York Times best-selling list.

With over 3.4 million followers on Instagram, Dr. Amen is helping parents worldwide.  

The best part? He will be a virtual keynote speaker at our I Am Mom Summit and we know his insights are going to be life-changing!

Want to Know Who Else is Speaking?!

We haven’t announced the full lineup, but we can’t contain our excitement so here’s a sneak peak 😉 

Lindsay Arnold Cusick - Former Dancing with the Stars pro and Mom of two!

Sheena Melwani - Mom, Social media sensation, Songwriter, YouTube Streamy Award Winner!

***More speakers & special guests to come! Check out our I Am Mom website and follow us on Instagram

FamilyMade Tips for Getting out of the “Roommate Phase”

The most important word above is “phase.” Meaning, this too shall pass but may require some extra effort to get back on track ❤️

For a deeper dive into this topic, check out our article below:

Marriage Counseling - Is It Worth It? 💵

Yes, Yes and YES!

Whether it’s pre-marital counseling, counseling for relational maintenance, or counseling to work through a tough season, FamilyMade wants to encourage all couples to invest in their relationship.

Not sure where to start? Look up qualified marriage counselors in your area, read reviews and ask around, some counselors may even be covered by your insurance!

“You think you have marriage figured out but then you lose a loved one and experience grief, or have another child and experience love in a new way, or you make a big life decision... and things shift. Marriage is an ever-changing and ever-dynamic exercise. It’s so humbling and so rewarding. It’s something always worth pursuing.”

-Andrew East

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