School’s in session

Is it really harder on us than them?

Good morning, everyone! And welcome to the very first FamilyMade newsletter! They say it takes a village to raise a child, and this weekend I was reminded of just how true that is: My best friend brought home her second child, a sweet and healthy baby girl. Without missing a beat, friends up and down the eastern seaboard offered helping hands.

For anyone in need of their own village, look no further. I’m so grateful to build this community of kindness, curiosity, and empathy with each and every one of you! Every Monday and Friday from here on out, you’ll get this newsletter, brimming with thought-starters, big ideas, tiny victories, and an honest (and humorous) account of what family means today.

Like strapping in your first car seat in the hospital parking lot, this works best when we work as a team. So hit reply and let me know what you want to hear about in these newsletters! We’ve got so much to cover, from pregnancy and relationships to toddlers and teething.

So with that, let’s jump in: It’s time to talk about sending your kid to school for the first time (waterworks permitted, this is a safe space).

Kinsey, your FamilyMade newsletter editor (also: youngest sibling, “energetic” child, thrilled to join Shawn & Andrew’s team)

P.S. Keep reading to find out who won our cash giveaway!

So You’re Sending Your Child to School for the First Time…

Baby Shawn 🥺

You planned the first-day photo opp. You met the teachers. You tried to mentally prepare yourself. But nothing quite compares to sending your child to school.

Today, Shawn and Andrew are doing just that: sending Drew to her second year of preschool and Jett to his first. So how are they feeling?

“We feel very, very nervous but really excited,” Shawn said. “We think school is a really important thing for kids at any age—to learn how to socialize, to get out of the house, to widen their world around them.”

“You have this instinct and impulse to want to hoard them and be selfish with them,” Andrew added, “but school has been a weaning process for us to remind us that it’s our role to prepare them for being out in the world.”

It isn’t easy, but it is necessary. So here’s what you need to know:

What’s the difference between preschool and school school? Age and developmental goals, mostly. Preschool is a taste of the formal education environment that focuses on learning to play with others and general rule-following, while kindergarten is in most cases the kick-off to compulsory education. Most experts agree that kids are ready for the big leagues (kindergarten) the year they turn six.

This year, Drew and Jett are hitting club preschool for about two hours per day a couple times a week. Shawn and Andrew said Drew became much more confident after her first year of preschool—and she couldn’t stop talking about her new friends. If you had a pandemic baby, you know how incredible that is.

How do you know if your child’s ready for preschool? Legend has it, I asked my mom to go to preschool so I could be like my big sister. But for the kids who haven’t placed themselves on the “best friends with your English teacher” track by age three, consider:

  • Is your child potty trained?

  • Can your child handle being away from you?

  • How good is your child at playing with others?

What can you do to make the first-day experience as smooth as possible? Do your best to set expectations with your child—what school is like, how they might feel, etc. Practice your new routine for a few days before school starts.

And, to address the elephant in the room here: you. Sending your child to school for the first time can be a tear-jerking reminder of just how short the years are. But remember that your child is an emotional sponge—if you’re upset, they’re upset. Do your best to stay strong through drop-off, then feel free to curl up with Ben, Jerry, and a baby scrapbook.

And at the end of the day, remember: It goes fast. Like, really fast.

What do you think about this? TikTok creator and mom of six Chauvon Landry taught her kids to yell every curse word they know if they’re ever in an unsafe situation. Her reasoning? Say you’re at a playground with children yelling every which way...more yelling might not get parents’ attention. But a small child? Screaming some choice four-letter words? I’d take a second glance.

Did we pack enough snacks? Summer might be winding down, but the chaos of traveling with young kids is year-round. We’re working on compiling everything you need to know to make travel—whether by plane, train, or automobile—as painless as possible. Hit reply if you’ve got any intel!

The dreaded crib-crawler. Maybe you’ve been there—Shawn and Andrew sure are. And Shawn’s reaction to Drew summiting her crib rails for the first time is...well, see for yourself.

Our Family is growing! Okay not like that (yet) but we are super excited to welcome Alec Lace from First Class Fatherhood to the FamilyMade Media crew! You can check out Andrew’s interview with Alec here.

And finally, the moment you've all been waiting for. Drumroll please: The winners of Shawn and Andrew’s cash giveaway are Lisa M., Desiree W., and Monica C.

If you’re one of those three lucky winners, be on the lookout for an email from our team :)

That’s all for today! Thank you so much for reading our inaugural edition! Check back on Friday for some fun, informative Q&A with my bosses Drew and Jett Shawn and Andrew.
