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Give thanks
How to practice gratitude for the whole family
Gobble, gobble! Happy Thanksgiving week! If you’re in the States, you’re likely meal planning, floor scrubbing, and Elf-on-the-Shelf frantically searching. We’re sending you good vibes for perfectly roasted turkeys, crisp fall weather, and pleasant in-laws.
A scheduling note: We’re taking the long weekend to hang with our families, watch some football (GO BILLS), and take several naps. Good luck on Black Friday and we’ll see you back here next Monday.

Time to Give Thanks
When you’re elbows deep in dirty diapers or trying month after month to start a family or so tired you really might put sugar in the stuffing and salt in your coffee…it’s hard to hear someone say “just practice gratitude.”
But the thing is? Practicing gratitude works. It makes us feel better and appreciate life more. It helps us become more present in the here and now, plus it offers peace in a world that feels more chaotic by the day.
And best of all? When we practice giving thanks, our kids pick up on the vibe.
“They watch us,” Shawn said. “Whatever they see us doing is what’s going to develop their foundation. Show them gratitude. Explain it. Have them practice it. Say thank you to teachers and neighbors.”
But “practicing gratitude” sounds kind of like “write in your manifestation journal” did back in 2020…a little obscure and a lot ambiguous. Here’s how to start practicing gratitude—for the whole family.
Start small
If your family is new to what we in the biz call ODGs (outright displays of gratitude,) Thanksgiving is a great time to spark the conversation:
Have a family chat over breakfast or dinner or chocolate milk time to talk about why the holidays are for more than just parades or turkey or presents.
Instead of going around the table just Thursday to share what we’re grateful for, share something each day of the week. Thanksgiving week > Thanksgiving day
Try crafting a gratitude tree or a family notebook filled with gratitude-sparking ideas (nothing is too small!). Bonus? It’s a fun no-school-today activity for young Picassos.
Make it your routine
Maybe your kids have seen mom or dad take some time to meditate, journal, pray, exercise, or participate in some other wellness ritual…but I’d bet $5 and my Thanksgiving leftover sandwich that it doesn’t happen every day.
But making gratitude part of your routine makes it stick. A few ideas to get you started with an everyday gratitude routine:
Spend the next 26 days doing the ABCs of gratitude. Every day, pick a new letter and think of something that starts with that letter that you’re grateful for.
Read gratitude books, like these favorites, for 5 minutes a day.
Do something kind for someone else. Have you ever started a pay-it-forward chain in the Starbucks drive-thru? It’s the best.
Remember that it’s all about perspective
So often we get bogged down and distracted by what isn’t going right. That’s fair! But those nagging thoughts and worries can steal a lot of joy from our daily lives.
Practicing gratitude like this? It’s about training your brain to seek out the good. Because chances are, you’ve got something to be grateful for. We sure do! ❤️
The benefits
…are enormous. Practicing gratitude feels great, but also? Spending just a few minutes a day to practice gratitude with our families can have a positive impact on how we address stressful situations life unexpectedly throws our way.
Bottom line: Science shows that being grateful can support better health, happiness, and wisdom within ourselves and our communities. There’s measurable evidence in every area of life, including a boost in immunity and heart health. If science says so, count me in.
What are you most grateful for today?

A very veg T-Day. Any vegetarians and vegans out there? As a “flexitarian,” I commiserate this holiday season. So many meats. So much butter. Have no fear! Vegetarian-friendly dishes are here.
Team PJs? Okay, this TikTok had me rolling. It’s the slo-mo camera for me. I like a Thanksgiving-casual ‘fit with optional late-day change into PJs.
Beyond sandwiches. 21 chefs from all over America share their best tips for a waste-free Thanksgiving meal. Sustainability meets well-crafted leftover meal? Yes please.

We can’t say it enough. We’re so grateful for you, FM fam. From our family to yours, have a happy, healthy Thanksgiving! 🤎