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Give Meaning to your Spring Cleaning! 🧹🧽 + Free Download!

80% of Americans say they'd rather deep clean their house than file their taxes 😂

Give Meaning to Your Spring Cleaning! 🧹🧽

Did you miss out on “International Cleaning Week?” from March 24-30 this year? We did! In fact, who knew that was even a thing?! 🤷‍♀️🤔 

There’s still time to get your house looking squeaky clean and with the help of our FamilyMade Spring Cleaning Guide below, let’s just say we’ve got all your bases (and baseboards) covered 😉

I wouldn’t say spring cleaning is my favorite part of the year but it feels really nice when it’s done! We’ve been trying to get the kids involved so they feel like they’re helping out around the house and they actually love it! It’s been cute to watch them help with little tasks like putting their plate in the dishwasher, cleaning up their toys or tidying things up. Eventually they’ll be able to help with more but for now, we keep cleaning simple and fun!”

- Shawn Johnson East

And we can’t forget to mention that 80% of people said they’d rather deep clean their home than do their taxes ….can we get an AMEN?! 😉🙋‍♀️

🫧 Free Download to Help You Get Started🫧

(Cleaning Not Included 😉 )

Click the image below to download and save to your phone, send to a friend or print and hang on your fridge to check off the tasks as you go! ✔️

Winners of our Giveaway! 💰

Congratulations to Elise and Hillary for winning our March giveaway by sharing our Spring to-do list graphic on their Instagram Story! Enjoy your $100 Visa gift cards and treat yourself!

Come Kick Off Mother’s Day Weekend With Us!

Good News! It’s not too late to snag your seat at our LIVE event for moms in May! 💖 

Come laugh, learn, shop & hang out with Shawn, Andrew, a lineup of incredible speakers & the whole FamilyMade team!

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