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The Easts Tackle Potty Training... Again! 🚽😳

Shawn weighs in on the difference between potty training her daughter and son, Plus FamilyMade Potty Training tips & more!

In partnership with

“When Should I Start?” 🚽

According to Allison Jandu, the “Potty Training Consultant” here are a few signs your child may be ready to start their potty training journey…

  • Basic Communication Skills (either verbal or nonverbal)

  • An ability to understand and follow directions

  • Mimicking the actions of adults

  • A general interest in the bathroom

  • An eagerness to please

  • Asking for diaper changes

  • Hiding to go to the bathroom

  • Staying dry for longer periods of time

  • Sitting, standing, walking independently (fine motor skills such as dressing/undressing can come later)

Scroll below for Shawn and Andrew’s experience and tips from our FamilyMade Community ❤️

“Potty training my daughter was wildly different than potty training my son. At least in our experience, girls are ready a bit earlier and are excited about the process where boys don’t really mind running wild and free. If you’re a boy mom don’t lose hope or compare your timeline to anyone else’s, it’ll happen when they’re ready and your child will be potty trained at the perfect time for them,”

-Shawn Johnson East

A Couple FamilyMade Recommendations:

Tackle Bedtime with Netflix Jr.’s Popular Podcast

Winning the bedtime battle with your kids can feel like an impossible task, but what if you had a little extra help?

Enter Bedtime Stories with Netflix Jr., the Signal Award-winning and chart-topping Kids & Family podcast made to help kids drift off to sleep alongside characters from their favorite streaming series (like StoryBots and Super Monsters).

Created with a childhood development expert, the show helps children successfully transition to sleep and build skills to navigate the world.

Check Out Shawn’s Potty Training Must-Haves Below 🚽

Click the graphic to browse her favorites!

Potty Training Tips From our FamilyMade Community 🤝

“We have a “Potty Jar” that we fill with M&Ms or other treats every time our kids use the potty in the early days of potty training” - Shawn Johnson East

  • Don't rush it, wait until they are showing signs of readiness

  • Spend 3-5 days at home working on their new skill, after a few days of no accidents run a quick errand (bring a portable potty with you)

  • Look up “Potty training videos for kids” on YouTube and show them a few cartoons talking about potty training to normalize the process

  • Be consistent and patient. Remember they are learning something very strange and new

  • Be aware potty training isn’t “completed” once they understand the concept. You as the parent are still their reminder/alarm clock for going potty

  • Don't fear accidents! That's where the learning happens for both parents and child

  • Put small treats in a bowl. When they go on the potty they get one. Start with a few treats a day, then one treat a day then none once they get the hang of it

  • Don’t get angry if they have an accident, it can make them not want to go at all. Bring them to the potty immediately and give a reward if they go there instead

Stay tuned next week for a behind-the-scenes look at what the East Family has been doing in Paris for the Olympic Games!

Here’s a sneak peak 🙂 

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