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East Fam Top Children's Books, Tips for Busy Families & More!

Check out these adorable books & helpful tips to make your busy days a little sweeter!

Bedtime Stories For The Win! 📚🌙

There’s never a bad time to read to your kids, in fact, studies show that young children whose parents read to them daily have been exposed to at least 290,000 more words by the time they enter kindergarten than those who aren’t being read to regularly! (source: Child Mind Institute)

So whether you just have time for one bedtime story before kissing your little one goodnight or you’re at home with your kids reading a surplus of magical tales daily…keep it up, you’re doing great!

“Reading to our kids is something the whole family looks forward to every night. Sometimes Shawn reads to them and other times I get to do the honors. We let them pick out a few stories to read, cozy up in a chair together and flip through the pages. Reading together has become such an important part of our bedtime routine and I wouldn’t trade those bedtime moments for anything.” 

- Andrew East

Drew & Jett’s Current Favorites 📕📙📘

Shawn and Andrew’s little ones, Drew (4) and Jett (2.5), like most kids, have certain books they love to read time and time again. Check out their lists of favorites below and click on the photos to view the links!

These books make the perfect gifts for birthday parties, holidays and can be the perfect addition to your own collection!

Feeling Like Finding Time To Read is Impossible? 🤷‍♀️

Don’t sweat it, we understand! Check out our FamilyMade tips for busy families below:

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